The objective with this contextual research project was to research millennials and technology, primarily from real life observation, and draw insights from that data. That data will reach its target audience through articles, photos, infographics and more. It will explain current trends, and also have suggestions for how companies can utilize that information.

While those are already broad topics, we were also tasked to think about them in a broad sense: millennials as 18-30 yr olds, and technology as anything that people use as an extension of themselves. Our research topic was millennials and technology. As a group, we called ourselves “Vicurious” which combined our observations of millennials (and ourselves) for a strong curiosity about the world around us, and a desire to live through the experiences of others (esp. via online sources). Our magazine’s focus within the broader research topic was information overload, or as we eventually named it “information underload.” We chose to analyze our data through the lens of millennial information consumption, and how their unique consuming habits affect their work and personal lives.